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2nd Lunch & Learn with the Department of Veteran Affairs

On July 14, 2017 the CBS Veterans Network hosted a 2nd lunch & learn with the Department of Veteran Affairs for CBS Veteran employees, their families, and friends in Los Angeles.  The topics covered were: CA Driver's License, Home Loans - Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan, Life Insurance, and the GI Bill.  Representatives from the Los Angeles County Veteran Services Office (LACVSO) presented the CA Driver's License program and informed veterans that they can now have their "Veteran" status displayed on their driver's license.  The representatives from the LACVSO provided the documents they need to update their driver's license.

Pictured below: A VA Representative presenting home loan benefits. 

Pictured below: The representatives from the VA and the LACVSO.

Pictured below: CBS Veterans Network with CBS employees and VA representatives. 


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