The Paramount Veterans Network hosted a series of VIP Meet and Greets for the second year in a row during Summer 2022. These sessions were added to the VIP Meet and Greets Web Series, featuring a variety of industry professionals and C-suite executives from across Paramount Global. These sessions were created for the VetNet’s Veteran Immersion Program to meet with and learn from Paramount executive leadership and employees.
VIP Meet & Greet Web Series Season 2: Episode 7: Bob Bakish
The Veteran Immersion Program (VIP) wrapped up their second cohort in Summer 2022 with a Meet and Greet with Bob Bakish, President and CEO, Paramount Global. Bob understands the military philosophy of “servant leadership” and gave insight and guidance to our nation’s veterans and service members. The session was moderated by Paramount’s Chief Veteran Officer Richard M. Jones, a former Army Ranger, and current EVP General Tax Counsel, Paramount Global.
The event began with opening remarks by Richard M. Jones who welcomed the core Paramount Veterans Network leadership which included Betty Diaz, Director of Operations & Programs for Paramount Veterans Network, Brad Mueller, Director of Creatives for Paramount VetNet and Manager, Tax Incentives, Chanel Lamb, Army Veteran and Human Resources Senior Director, and Bryon Stofer, Air Force Veteran and Sr. Director for Strategic Sourcing.
During the moderated portion, Bob spoke about his career and the importance of embracing change to grow and evolve. He also stressed the value of communication as a learned skill, the need for optimism in the face of challenge, and the significance of diversity in business and content.
"Bob mentioned that there have been many times it would be easy to only see the negative side of a situation, but that is where he leaned on his optimism and his love for diving into things and coming up with unique solutions. This session has truly inspired my outlook on how to view challenges in life. Thank you Bob." -Ricky Enrique, Navy Veteran
“It was a wonderful treat for the Paramount VetNet family to engage in an intimate meet & greet virtual session with the CEO. Bob is very supportive of the veteran & military community. Thank you Bob!” – Betty Diaz, Paramount VetNet
“I truly appreciate Bob giving us an hour of his time! I really liked how he reiterated a common military concept of "being the person everyone can depend on." That really stuck out to me!
– Chris Barrett, US Marine Corps
“I greatly admired Bob's commitment to veterans and his passion for the entertainment industry. Bob gave golden advice on change, communication, and networking:
'Don't be afraid of change, embrace it.'
'Communication is the key to success.'
'Networking is just having a conversation and finding out what similar goals you have.'
As I move forward in my career, I will always take these axioms to heart to guide me on my journey.” – Torrin Fields, US Army
“I definitely appreciate Bob sharing his hobby with us! The biggest takeaway I will continue to work on is the "underappreciated skill of communication." Coming from him, that hits home. It's a perishable skill that, without it, how can we prove that we mean what we say to build that credibility.” – Domenic Pica, US Army
“I would like to thank Bob for his insight on adapting to changes. It was truly a gift and inspiring to hear his words of wisdom! Thank you!” – William Goshay, US Army