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College Day at CBS

Updated: Oct 22, 2018

On March 13, CBS Diversity & Inclusion and the CBS Veterans Network hosted an event for Military Veterans and College Students. Guests attended from the University of Southern California, California State University of Los Angeles, Pepperdine University, University of California Los Angeles, Tennessee State University, University of Michigan, and US Vets, a non-profit organization who helps connect military veterans to career development events. 

Josh Brackett, Vice President, Corporate Finance and head of Veterans Initiatives, moderated a panel session with participants: Antoinette Clarke,Vice President of Branded Entertainment & Media Innovation, Jeanne Mau, Vice President of Entertainment Diversity, and Lauren Hamilton, Producer, Social of CBS Interactive. The panel session was followed by an informational presentation led by Casey Winkler, Senior Recruiter of CBS Recruiting. The students ended their day with a special tour of the CBS Broadcast Center.

A special thanks to our speakers, who provided students with key knowledge to further develop their careers and for their transparency in sharing their educational background and experiences while pursuing success within their roles at CBS.

CBS Panel Session from left to right - Josh Brackett, Vice President, Corporate Finance and head of Veterans Initiatives, Antoinette Clarke, Vice President of Branded Entertainment & Media Innovation, Jeanne Mau, Vice President of Entertainment Diversity, and Lauren Hamilton, Producer, Social of CBS Interactive.

Pictured below from left to right: Casey Winkler, Senior Recruiter of CBS Recruiting conducting a mock interview with a student volunteer from the audience.


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