About a dozen years ago Phil Keoghan, host of the The Amazing Race, had the idea for a different kind of reality competition. Tough As Nails is a show that pits contestants against one another in challenges that represent the hard work, grit and determination of millions of everyday people. (Source: CBS4 Miami)
There have been four contestants to date, who are veterans, including Season One winner, Kelly “Murph” Murphy, a Marine Corps Veteran and ViacomCBS VetNet Ambassador and Season Two’s competitor, Merryl Tengesdal, a Retired Air Force Colonel and also a ViacomCBS VetNet Ambassador.
At the end of this third season, one contestant (out of 12) is crowned the Tough As Nails champion and wins the grand prize of $200,000 and a new 2021 Ford F-150 truck.

We are proud to celebrate Tough As Nails Season Three Winner, U.S. Marine Corps veteran and currently in the U.S. Army Reserves, Lia Mort! Congratulations Lia! We are extremely proud. Semper Fi and Hooah!