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NYC Veterans Day 2017

Veterans from CBS attended events across New York City to Celebrate Veterans Day, 2017:

Richard Jones of CBS attended a dinner at the Military Academy at West Point on Friday, November 10th. He is pictured with Mr. Eldredge, a graduate of West Point, who served with the 104 Infantry Division during World War II. Mr. Eldredge was honored at the West Point football game against Duke on Saturday, November 11th.

Richard Jones is pictured with a fellow Veteran during the Veterans Day parade on Saturday, November 11th.

Richard Jones and Josh Brackett of CBS are pictured with Mike Liddington (far left), Chief Executive of Wounded Warrior Project, during the Veterans Day parade in New York City.

Richard Jones of CBS is pictured with military Veterans participating in the 5k run to support the Lead the Way Fund. The run is dedicated to the memory of James Regan, who was killed during combat operations in Iraq on February 9th, 2007, while serving in the 75th Ranger Regiment.


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